Zetta is a half-elf ranger born in Everlund raised among her father’s people in the Moonwood. She embraced her elven heritage fully, but has trained to protect trade caravans passing through her people’s forests.
Tag: half-elf
Qantriel is a half-elf rogue from Prastuil in Dambrath. Originally a burglar, she’s spent several years exploring ancient ruins with an elderly elven scholar, equally fascinated and horrified by the history of her dark elven ancestors.
Half-Elf Mixed Heritage & Upbringing A half-elf has either their human heritage’s Skill Versatility or Bonus Feat, or one trait from their elven heritage (e.g. Keen Senses) in addition to their elven parent’s darkvision and advantage on saving throws against being charmed. A half-elf not brought up among elves would be unlikely to have the Elf Weapon Training trait, while a half-elf not brought up among humans is unlikely to have Skill Versatility. Regardless of where they were raised, a half-elf can speak, read, and write Common, plus two bonus languages, though one of those languages is typically Elvish. If the half-elf was raised by a dark elf parent, for example, it is likely that their two bonus languages are Drowish and Drow Sign Language. The term “half-elf” refers to an individual with one parent who is human and the other elven, or two half-elven parents, or one parent who is quarter-elven and the other three-quarters elven. Typically, someone who is only one-quarter elven or less with the larger portion being human will be referred to only as human, while only another elf is likely to perceive that a person who is three-quarters elf has recent human heritage. To humans,
Ora is a half-elf artificer from Baldur’s Gate. Though she may come across as arrogant or aloof, she is unfailingly polite to those who behave in kind, and she is nothing if not dedicated to her craftsmanship.
Indariel is a half-elf monk from Silverymoon. After a wonderful childhood cut short by tragedy, they spent a number of years looking for a place where they belonged, only to discover that what they really needed was to find inner peace.