Breeze is a tabaxi ranger who fled enslavement in the city of Athkatla. Reserved around strangers and openly hostile toward tyrants, she is a fierce champion for freedom and enjoys using her newfound survival skills to help those in need.
Category: Pre-Made Characters
Brana is from the Tribe of the Wolf, one of the Reghed barbarian tribes which roams the frozen landscape of Icewind Dale. Curious and open-minded, she’s fascinated by tales of heroism and hopes to make her own mark on the history of her people.
Andra is a sun elf druid from the ruins of Myth Glaurach in the High Forest. She believes deeply in keeping nature in balance and is very well-read, but her isolated upbringing isn’t without its drawbacks.
Alasen is an infernal tiefling from Neverwinter, but raised as a paladin in Helm’s Hold. Devoted to the Order of the Gilded Eye, she has a soft spot for children—especially orphans—and a deep hatred for fiends of any kind.