Lorifae is a dark elf bard born in Ched Nasad but raised in the forests of Cormanthor. A devoted follower of Eilistraee, she struggles to balance her love of music and dance against the fear and mistrust most surface-dwellers have for drow.
Author: kleonard
Liana is a strongheart halfling druid originally from the dirty back alleys of Calimport. After a magical accident swept her away from the city of her birth to an enchanted forest, she dedicated her life to the preservation of her new home and its people.
Kori is a human wizard from Longsaddle. While most of her cousins live up (or is that down?) to the Harpell family’s well-deserved reputation for eccentricity, she prides herself on her practicality and precaution.
Kali is a human fighter from one of Waterdeep’s aristocratic families. She’s spent her entire life pretending to be someone she isn’t while simultaneously failing to be what her family expects, and she can’t wait to find out who she really is.
Jeni is a lightfoot halfling from the dockside streets of Waterdeep. An incorrigible daredevil who can always find a friend, she spends her days looking for her next big adventure, especially if that adventure results in loot.