
a human cleric of Oghma

Human Upbringing

A human not raised by or among their people may have different traits than those described below. If you wish to have a different upbringing for your character—a human raised by dwarves, for example—consult with the DM.

Civil Defense – Humans frequently find themselves in danger, whether because they live on a farm which they must defend against monsters, or in a village or city where childish play often mimics the weapons and tactics of their elders. Humans are proficient with all simple weapons.

A human raised among their own kin can speak, read, and write Common—which uses the Thorass script in its written form—and two extra languages of their choice, one of which is likely to be a regional language. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.

Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common heritages. They have widely varying tastes, morals, and customs in the many different lands where they have settled. When they settle, though, they stay: they build cities to last for the ages, and great kingdoms that can persist for long centuries. An individual human might have a relatively short life span, but a human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins far beyond the reach of any single human’s memory. They live fully in the present—making them well suited to the adventuring life—but also plan for the future, striving to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group, humans are adaptable opportunists, and they stay alert to changing political and social dynamics.

Having so much more variety than other cultures, humans as a whole have no typical names. Some human parents give their children names from other languages, such as Dwarvish or Elvish (pronounced more or less correctly), but most parents give names that are linked to their region’s culture or to the naming traditions of their ancestors.

Humans of the Sword Coast

Much of the native population of the Sword Coast region is of Illuskan or Tethyrian descent, but travelers from all over Faerûn—and points beyond, including distant continents and planes of existence—have congregated to Waterdeep and surrounding areas. Humans can be found in almost every surface village, town, or city in the region, though there are very few humans who are welcome or comfortable in the depths of dwarven citadels or the sheltered boughs of the elven forests.

Human Ethnicities


Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Most have raven-black hair, but those who inhabit the extreme northwest have blond, red, or light brown hair.

Illuskan Names: (Male) Ander, Blath, Bran, Frath, Geth, Lander, Luth, Malcer, Stor, Taman, Urth; (female) Amafrey, Betha, Cefrey, Kethra, Mara, Olga, Silifrey, Westra; (surnames) Brightwood, Helder, Hornraven, Lackman, Stormwind, Windrivver


Widespread along the entire Sword Coast at the western edge of Faerûn, Tethyrians are of medium build and height, with dusky skin that tends to grow fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eyes are the most common.

Tethyrians primarily use Chondathan names: (Male) Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Stedd; (female) Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Rowan, Shandri, Tessele; (surnames) Amblecrown, Buckman, Dundragon, Evenwood, Greycastle, Tallstag

Human Traits

It’s hard to make generalizations about humans, but human characters tend to have these traits.


Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.


Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of a human’s position in that range, their size is Medium.


A human’s base walking speed is 30 feet.

Skill Versatility

Humans tend to be inquisitive and “dabble” in many different things. Humans are proficient in one additional skill of their choice.

Bonus Feat

Humans have learned to make the most of their shorter lifespans and tend to master new abilities faster than their longer-lived neighbors. Humans gain one additional first-level feat of their choice.