
Following changes proposed to One D&D, the default backgrounds presented in the Player’s Handbook have been modified to grant a first-level feat when chosen. All backgrounds from the Player’s Handbook are presented unlabeled; any backgrounds from other sources or created by the DM are marked with an appropriate superscript (e.g. DM).

If you already would gain a particular skill, tool, or language proficiency from your heritage or class, choose another of the same type (e.g. a shield dwarf who takes the Laborer background might choose Gnomish as a bonus language).


You devoted yourself to service in a temple, either nestled in a town or secluded in a sacred grove. There you performed hallowed rites in honor of a god or pantheon. You served under a priest and studied religion. Thanks to your priest’s instruction and your own devotion, you may have created works of art to adorn the sanctum, or you may have learned how to channel a modicum of divine power in service to your place of worship and the people who prayed there.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Religion

Tool Proficiency: Calligrapher’s Supplies or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: Celestial or Common Sign Language

Feat: Crafter, Magic Initiate (Divine), or Skilled


  • Book (prayers)
  • Calligrapher’s Supplies or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Parchment (10 sheets)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 5 gp


You began mopping floors and scrubbing counters in an artisan’s workshop for a few coppers per day as soon as you were strong enough to carry a bucket. When you were finally old enough to apprentice, you learned to create basic crafts of your own, as well as how to sweet-talk the occasional demanding customer.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Persuasion

Tool Proficiency: Artisan’s Tools (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: One of your choice

Feat: Artificer Initiate, Crafter, or Skilled


  • Artisan’s Tools (same as above)
  • Letter of introduction from your guild master, if a member of a guild
  • Pouch
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 25 gp

Barbarian Tribe Member SC

Though you might have only recently arrived in civilized lands, you are no stranger to the values of cooperation and group effort when striving for survival or supremacy. You learned these principles and much more as a member of a barbarian tribe. Your people have tried to hold to the old ways—tradition and taboo have kept your people strong while the kingdoms of others have collapsed into chaos and ruin—but for the last few generations, some bands have attempted to settle, make peace, trade, and even build towns. Regardless of the choices of your tribal elders, you honor their traditions and likely hope to make an impact on their future survival.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Leatherworker’s Tools or Woodcarver’s Tools

Feat: Martial Initiate, Savage Attacker, or Tough


  • A hunting trap
  • A token or set of tattoos identifying your tribal totem
  • Leatherworker’s Tools or Woodcarver’s Tools (same as above)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • Gems or small carvings worth 10 gp
  • 10 gp


Soon after you were old enough to order an ale, you already had a favorite stool in every tavern within ten miles of where you were born. As you traveled the circuit from public house to watering hole, you learned to prey on the unfortunates who were in the market for a comforting lie or two—perhaps a sham potion or a forged “treasure map.” You are fluent in one of the languages of deception.

Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Sleight of Hand

Tool Proficiency: Disguise Kit or Forgery Kit

Bonus Language: Abyssal, Infernal, or Thieves’ Cant

Feat: Lucky, Skilled, or Vigilant


  • Costume
  • Disguise Kit or Forgery Kit (same as above)
  • Fine Clothes
  • 15 gp

City Watch SC

You have served the community where you grew up, standing as its first line of defense against crime. You aren’t a soldier, directing your gaze outward at possible enemies. Instead, your service to your hometown was to help police its populace, protecting the citizenry from lawbreakers and malefactors of every stripe.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Insight

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set (one of your choice) or Thieves’ Tools

Feat: Martial Initiate, Sentinel, or Vigilant


  • Gaming Set or Thieves’ Tools (same as above)
  • Horn or whistle with which to summon help
  • Lantern, bullseye
  • Manacles
  • Oil Flask (2)
  • Uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank
  • 15 gp

Cloistered Scholar SC

As a child, you were inquisitive when your playmates were possessive or raucous. In your formative years, you found your way to one of Faerûn’s great institutes of learning—Candlekeep, the Vault of Sages, Herald’s Holdfast, etc.—where you were apprenticed and taught that knowledge is a more valuable treasure than gold or gems. Now you are ready to leave your home: not to abandon it, but to quest for new lore to add to its storehouse of knowledge.

Skill Proficiencies: History and one from among Arcana, Nature, or Religion

Tool Proficiency: Calligrapher’s Tools or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: Draconic or Elvish

Feat: Crafter, Martial Initiate, or Skilled


  • Calligrapher’s Tools or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Lamp
  • Oil flask (2)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • Two books: one of history and another from among Arcana, Nature, and Religion
  • 10 gp

Courtier SC

In your earlier days, you were a personage of some significance in a noble court or bureaucratic organization. You might or might not come from an upper-class family, as your talents or a fair amount of luck—rather than the circumstances of your birth—could have secured you this position. You quickly learned to always look the part.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Persuasion

Tool Proficiency: Disguise Kit or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: One of your choice

Feat: Musician, Skilled, or Lucky


  • Disguise Kit or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Fine Clothes
  • Perfume
  • A single piece of jewelry up to a value of 25 gp
  • 20 gp


You learned to earn your coin in dark alleyways, cutting purses or burgling shops. Perhaps you were part of a small gang of like-minded wrongdoers, who looked out for each other. Or maybe you were a lone wolf, fending for yourself against the local thieves’ guild and older, more fearsome lawbreakers.

Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand and Stealth

Tool Proficiency: Forgery Kit or Thieves’ Tools

Bonus Language: Common Sign Language or Thieves’ Cant

Feat: Poisoner, Sentinel, or Skilled


  • Crowbar
  • Dagger (2)
  • Forgery Kit or Thieves’ Tools (same as above)
  • Pouch (2)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 15 gp


You scarcely recall what drove you into the service of the otherworldly being. Those memories were blotted out long ago by recurrent dreams of midnight gatherings round the obsidian pillar in the glade. By the light of each waning moon, the hierophants instructed you in the being’s creed and the rudiments of the arcane arts. When you came of age, you were ordered to blend in among the nonbelievers and await whatever mission the Great One has in store for you.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and Religion

Tool Proficiency: Disguise Kit and Forgery Kit

Bonus Language: Abyssal or Infernal

Feat: Magic Initiate (one of your choice), Poisoner, or Vigilant


  • Bell
  • Common Clothes
  • Dagger
  • Disguise Kit or Forgery Kit (same as above)
  • Lamp
  • Robe
  • 20 gp

Dwarf Clan Sentinel SC

You have served the dwarven community where you grew up, standing as its first line of defense against the dangers of the deeps. You aren’t a soldier—there’s no strict hierarchy among your ranks as such—but you spend much of your day keeping a watchful eye out for dangerous monsters and would-be raiders.

Limitation: Dwarven upbringing only

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Insight

Tool Proficiency: Miner’s tools and one other artisan tool of your choice

Feat: Martial Initiate, Tough, or Vigilant


  • Artisan’s Tools (same as above)
  • Handaxe (2)
  • Horn or whistle with which to summon help
  • Miner’s Tools
  • 15 gp

Elf Clan Sentinel SC

You have served the woodland community where you grew up, standing as its first line of defense against the dangers of the wilds. You aren’t a soldier—there’s no strict hierarchy among your ranks as such—but you spend much of your day keeping a watchful eye out for dangerous monsters and would-be raiders.

Limitation: Elven upbringing only

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Persuasion

Tool Proficiency: Artisan’s Tools (one of your choice) or Herbalism Kit

Feat: Ambidextrous, Martial Initiate, or Vigilant


  • Arrows (20)
  • Artisan’s Tools or Herbalism Kit (same as above)
  • Bag of Caltrops
  • Horn or whistle with which to summon help
  • Longbow
  • Silk Rope, 50 ft
  • 15 gp


You spent much of your youth following roving fairs and carnivals, performing odd jobs for musicians and acrobats in exchange for lessons. You may have learned how to walk a tightrope, how to juggle small objects, how to double pick a lute, or how to recite Elvish poetry with the impeccable trills of an elf poet. To this day, you thrive on applause and long for the stage.

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics and Performance

Tool Proficiency: Musical Instrument (one of your choice) or Disguise Kit

Bonus Language: Draconic or Elvish

Feat: Ambidextrous, Musician, or Skilled


  • Costume (2)
  • Musical Instrument or Disguise Kit (same as above)
  • Perfume
  • Steel Mirror
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 10 gp

Far Traveler SC

You are from a distant place, one so remote that few of the common folk of the North know where it is, and chances are good that even if some people you meet have heard of your homeland, they know merely the name and perhaps a few stories. You have come to this part of Faerûn for your own reasons, which you might or might not choose to share.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Perception

Tool Proficiency: Cartographer’s Tools, or a Gaming Set or Musical Instrument native to your homeland

Bonus Language: One of your choice

Feat: Lucky, Musician, or Skilled


  • A map case containing two or three poorly-wrought or outdated maps, one of which is vaguely recognizable as the northern Sword Coast region
  • Cartographer’s Tools, Gaming Set, or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • A piece of jewelry worth 10 gp in the style of your homeland’s craftsmanship
  • Assorted gems worth 25 gp


You grew up close to the land. Years tending animals and cultivating the earth rewarded you with patience and good health. You have a keen appreciation for nature’s bounty alongside a healthy respect for nature’s wrath. Like many farmers, you made frequent use of the almanacs produced by halfling farmers, treatises on the natural world by elven scholars, or agricultural experiment logs by gnomish researchers.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling and Nature

Tool Proficiency: Carpenter’s Tools or Herbalism Kit

Feat: Lucky, Skilled, or Tough


  • Carpenter’s Tools or Herbalism Kit (same as above)
  • Iron Pot
  • Shovel
  • Sickle
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 20 gp

Folk Hero

You come from a humble social rank but you are destined for so much more. Already the people of your home village regard you as their champion, and your destiny calls you to stand against the tyrants and monsters that threaten the common folk everywhere.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Artisan’s Tools (one of your choice) or Vehicles (Land)

Feat: Ambidextrous, Magic Initiate (one of your choice), or Martial Initiate


  • Any simple weapon
  • Artisan’s Tools (same as above) or a gem worth 20 gp
  • Shovel
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 20 gp


Your first few appearances in the gladiatorial pits led you to appreciate every one of the scars you carry from your instructors and sparring partners. Each scar was a lesson that taught you how to best your opponents and curry favor with the crowds your brawls entertained. Your time in the pits left you with a strong hand and a strong heart. You’ll forever share a remarkable bond with the other pit fighters in your stable—humans, dragonborn, dwarves, and orcs—hardened warriors all.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Performance

Tool Proficiency: Leatherworker’s Tools or Smith’s Tools

Bonus Language: Draconic or Orcish

Feat: Ambidextrous, Martial Initiate, or Savage Attacker


  • Chain
  • Costume
  • Healer’s Kit
  • Javelin (6)
  • Leatherworker’s Tools or Smith’s Tools (same as above)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 15 gp


Your feet begin to ache when you remember the countless hours you spent at your post in the tower. You were trained to keep one eye outside the wall, watching for marauders sweeping from the nearby forest, and your other eye inside the wall, searching for cutpurses and troublemakers. At the end of each shift, you bunked in the mayor’s barracks alongside your fellow sentries and the dwarven smiths who kept your armor snug and your weapons sharp.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Perception

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set (one of your choice) or Smith’s Tools

Bonus Language: Dwarvish, Goblin, or Orcish

Feat: Tavern Brawler, Tough, or Vigilant


  • Crossbow Bolt (20)
  • Gaming Set or Smith’s Tools (same as above)
  • Lantern, Hooded
  • Light Crossbow
  • Manacles
  • Quiver
  • Spear
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 15 gp


You came of age in the outdoors, far from settled lands. Your home? Anywhere you chose to unfurl your bedroll. There are wonders on the frontier—strange monsters, pristine forests and streams, overgrown ruins of great halls once trod by giants—and you learned to fend for yourself as you explored them. From time to time, you traveled with a pair of friendly druids who were kind enough to instruct you in the fundamentals of channeling the magic of the wild.

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Cartographer’s Tools or Cook’s Utensils

Bonus Language: Elven, Giant, or Sylvan

Feat: Magic Initiate (Primal), Martial Initiate, or Sentinel


  • Arrow (20)
  • Cartographer’s Tools or Cook’s Utensils (same as above)
  • Fishing Tackle
  • Quiver
  • Shortbow
  • Tent
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 5 gp


You spent your early years secluded in a hut or monastery located well beyond the outskirts of the nearest settlement. In those days, your only companions were the creatures of the forest, who would occasionally visit to bring news of the outside world and supplies. The quiet and solitude you found in your time outside society allowed you to spend many hours pondering the mysteries of creation, attuning your mind to the magical energy flowing through the natural world.

Skill Proficiencies: Medicine and one from among History, Nature, or Religion

Tool Proficiency: Herbalism Kit or Woodcarver’s Tools

Bonus Language: Elven or Sylvan

Feat: Healer, Magic Initiate (one of your choice), or Tough


  • A book on ancient history, nature, or philosophy
  • Fishing Tackle
  • Herbalism Kit or Woodcarver’s Tools (same as above)
  • Lamp
  • Oil (3 flasks)
  • Quarterstaff
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 5 gp

Inheritor SC

You are the heir to something of great value: not mere coin or wealth, but an object or entitlement that has been entrusted to you and you alone. Your inheritance might have come directly to you from a member of your family, by right of birth, or it could have been left to you by a friend, a mentor, a teacher, or someone else important in your life. The revelation of your inheritance changed your life, and might have set you on the path to adventure, but it could also come with many dangers, including those who covet your gift and want to take it from you—by force, if need be.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival and one from among Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Feat: Lucky or Vigilant


  • Your inheritance
  • Gaming Set or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 15 gp

Knight of the Order SC

You belong to an order of knights who have sworn oaths to achieve a certain goal. The nature of this goal depends on the order you serve, but in your eyes it is without question a vital and honorable endeavor. Faerûn has a wide variety of knightly orders, all of which have a similar outlook concerning their actions and responsibilities.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and one from among Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion (as applies to order)

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Feat: Alert, Magic Initiate (as applies to order), or Martial Initiate


  • A signet, banner, or seal representing your place or rank in the order
  • A tabard or vestments representing your order
  • Gaming Set or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 10 gp


Your apprenticeship consumed the better part of your youth. First, you learned to cut and polish a stone. After several years of polishing stones, you learned how to cement those stones into a wall. After several years building walls, you learned to join your walls to form a structure. The structures you built were exceptionally durable. The masons who taught you were taught by even older masons who were taught by dwarf artisans of old.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Mason’s Tools

Bonus Language: Dwarvish, Gnomish, or Undercommon

Feat: Crafter or Tough


  • Bullseye Lantern
  • Common Clothes
  • Handaxe
  • Light Hammer
  • Mason’s Tools
  • Mess Kit
  • Oil (1 flask)
  • Shovel
  • Waterskin
  • 15 gp

Mercenary Veteran SC

As a sell-sword who fought battles for coin, you’re well acquainted with risking life and limb for a chance at a share of treasure. Now, you look forward to fighting foes and reaping even greater rewards as an adventurer. Your experience makes you familiar with the ins and outs of mercenary life, and you likely have harrowing stories of events on the battlefield. Now you’re looking for something else, perhaps greater reward for the risks you take or the freedom to choose your own activities. For whatever reason, you’re leaving behind the life of a soldier for hire, but your skills are undeniably suited for battle, so now you fight on in a different way.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Persuasion

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set (one of your choice) or Vehicles (Land)

Feat: Lucky, Martial Initiate, or Tough


  • A uniform of your old company
  • An insignia of your rank in your old company
  • Gaming Set (one of your choice) or saddlebags
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 25 gp


You began mopping floors and scrubbing counters in a merchant’s shop for a few coppers per day as soon as you were strong enough to carry a bucket. When you were finally old enough to apprentice, you learned how to assess the value of goods and how to barter for a good deal, and sometimes you came across great finds at an incredible bargain. As part of your studies, you picked the tongue of the people with whom you most-often traded.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Persuasion

Tool Proficiency: Artisan’s Tools (one of your choice) or Navigator’s Tools

Bonus Language: One of your choice

Feat: Crafter or Lucky


  • Artisan’s Tools or Navigator’s Tools (same as above)
  • Letter of introduction from your guild master, if a member of a guild
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • Assorted gems or trade goods worth 25 gp
  • 10 gp

Moonshae Islander DM

The Moonshae Isles are a series of rugged islands battered by frequent storms, and its people, the Ffolk, are every bit as hardy and resilient. You grew up in either a small city or a pastoral setting beset by frequent conflict as one faction or another vied for control over entire islands within the archipelago. You likely grew up worshipping the Earthmother, or maybe you were descended from a Northlander settlement culturally venerating Auril, Talos, Tempus, Umberlee, and Valkur. You could also have grown up near one of the ancient moonwells, and perhaps even one of those areas being reclaimed by the fey. Regardless of which island you once called home, your lifetime of climbing hills and swimming along rocky shores prepared you for a life on the move, especially one in the wilds of the world.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Nature

Tool Proficiency: Herbalism Kit or Vehicles (Water)

Bonus Language: Sylvan or Primordial

Feat: Lucky, Magic Initiate (Primal), or Vigilant


  • Climber’s Kit
  • Fishing Tackle
  • Herbalism Kit or a piece of jewelry worth 15 gp
  • Quarterstaff
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • Gems or small carvings worth 10 gp


You were raised in a castle as a creature of wealth, power, and privilege—none of it earned. Your family are minor aristocrats who saw to it that you received a first-class education, some of which you appreciated and some of which you resented. (Was it truly necessary to read all those ancient histories in their original Draconic?) Your time in the castle, especially the many hours you spent observing your family at court, also taught you a great deal about leadership.

Skill Proficiencies: History and Persuasion

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: Draconic or Elvish

Feat: Lucky, Martial Initiate, or Skilled


  • Fine Clothes
  • Gaming Set or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Perfume
  • Signet Ring
  • 25 gp

Outcast DM

You have been left to fend for yourself in the untamed wilds and you’ve had to adapt quickly to survive. Hunting, fishing, foraging, and trapping are but a few of the skills you’ve had to acquire, but you’ve also had to mend your own clothing and make anything you didn’t bring with you. With no one to watch your back, you had to be vigilant for danger, but as the days passed and you got more accustomed to the hardships of living alone. Then one day, you had an epiphany: just because you couldn’t go home again didn’t mean you had to stay in the wilds, and your new skills would be much-appreciated among a band of adventurers.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Artisan’s Tools (one of your choice) or Herbalism Kit

Feat: Magic Initiate (Arcane or Primal), Tough, or Vigilant


  • Artisan’s Tools (same as above) or Herbalism Kit
  • Dagger
  • Fishing Tackle
  • Hunting trap
  • Quiver w/arrows (20)
  • Shortbow
  • Tent
  • Traveler’s Clothes


You grew up in the wilds, far from civilization and the comforts of town. You’ve witnessed the migration of herds larger than forests, survived weather more extreme than any city-dweller could comprehend, and enjoyed the solitude of being the only thinking creature for miles in any direction. The wilds are in your blood, whether you were a nomad, an explorer, a recluse, a hunter-gatherer, or even a marauder. Even in places where you don’t know the specific features of the terrain, you know the ways of the wild.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Herbalism Kit or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Feat: Healer, Magic Initiate (Primal), or Vigilant


  • Herbalism Kit or Musical Instrument (same as above)
  • Hunting trap
  • Quarterstaff
  • Quiver w/arrows (20)
  • Shortbow
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 10 gp


You and a group of like-minded believers once endeavored to walk a thousand miles of road to reach a faraway shrine. Priests counseled at the outset that, long after your journey was complete, you’d come to realize that you found the key to your salvation not at your destination, but somewhere along the road that led there.

Skill Proficiencies: Religion and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Herbalism Kit or Musical Instrument (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: Celestial or Common Sign Language

Feat: Healer, Lucky, or Tough


  • Herbalism Kit or Musical Instrument
  • Holy Symbol or Totemic Emblem
  • Quarterstaff
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 15 gp

Precision Crafter SC

The Stout Folk are well-known for their artisanship and the worth of their handiworks, and you have been trained in that ancient tradition. For years, you labored under a dwarf master of the craft, enduring long hours and dismissive, sour-tempered treatment in order to gain the fine skills you possess today. Perhaps you are a dwarf, but not necessarily: the shield dwarf clans learned long ago that only proud fools who are more concerned with their egos than their craft would turn away a promising apprentice, even one of another heritage.

Alternatively, you may have apprenticed beneath the ingenious mind of a gnomish inventor, risking life and limb to contraptions and concoctions of devious design. Perhaps you are a gnome from Lantan or a devoted follower of Gond, the god of invention, or you simply enjoy puzzling out the intricacies of mechanical marvels.

Skill Proficiencies: History and Insight

Tool Proficiency: Artisan’s Tools (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: Dwarvish or Gnomish

Feat: Artificer Initiate, Crafter, or Skilled


  • Artisan’s Tools (same as above)
  • Craftsman’s Mark die or stamp
  • Pouch (2)
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • A gem worth 10 gp
  • 15 gp


You spent your formative years traveling between manors and monasteries, performing various odd jobs and services in exchange for access to their libraries. You wiled away many a long evening with your nose buried in books and scrolls, learning the lore of the multiverse—even the rudiments of magic—and your mind only yearns for more.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and History

Tool Proficiency: Calligrapher’s Supplies or Navigator’s Tools

Bonus Language: Draconic or Elvish

Feat: Magic Initiate (one of your choice) or Skilled


  • Book (History)
  • Calligrapher’s Supplies or Navigator’s Tools
  • Parchment (8 sheets)
  • Quarterstaff
  • Robe
  • 10 gp


Thus far, you’ve spent most of your days living the life of a seafarer, wind at your back and decks swaying beneath your feet, as you sailed toward your next adventure. You’ve perched on barstools in more ports of call than you can remember, faced down mighty storms, and swapped stories with the folk who live beneath the waves.

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics and Perception

Tool Proficiency: Navigator’s Tools or Vehicles (Water)

Bonus Language: Common Sign Language or Primordial

Feat: Lucky, Musician, or Tavern Brawler


  • Dagger
  • Fishing Tackle
  • Hemp Rope or Net
  • Navigator’s Tools or a letter of introduction stamped with the seal of your old ship’s captain
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 10 gp


You began training for war at such an early age that you carry only a precious few memories of what life was like before you took up arms. Battle is in your blood. Sometimes you catch yourself reflexively performing the basic fighting exercises you learned as a youth. Eventually, you put that training to use on the battlefield, protecting the realm by waging war and studying the strategies of goblinoid or orc generals.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Intimidation

Tool Proficiency: Cartographer’s Tools or Gaming Set (one of your choice)

Bonus Language: Goblin or Orcish

Feat: Martial Initiate, Savage Attacker, or Tough


  • Arrow (20)
  • Cartographer’s Tools or Gaming Set (same as above)
  • Healer’s Kit
  • Quiver
  • Shortbow
  • Spear
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 15 gp

Sole Survivor DM

You survived when others didn’t, whether it was through luck, skill, determination, the favor of a higher power, or some combination thereof. You might have become hypervigilant as part of your escape, and you may still bear physical and/or mental scars from your ordeal. Whether it was an unexpected calamity that struck a town or a battle whose outcome favored your opponents, the lessons you learned from being the only one you know to have survived the slaughter will be with you for the rest of your life.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception and Stealth

Tool Proficiency: Disguise Kit or Herbalism Kit

Feat: Lucky or Vigilant


  • Dagger
  • Disguise Kit or Herbalism Kit (same as above)
  • Healer’s Kit
  • Traveler’s Clothes
  • 15 gp

Udadrow Commoner DM

Whether you grew up in the Stenchstreets of Menzoberranzan or an equally-unsavory location in another city of the Underdark, you quickly learned to be entirely self-reliant because to be otherwise gets you dead. To the nobles of your city, you were barely better than iblith—the drow word for “garbage” used to describe any being which wasn’t drow—and unworthy of any of their attention unless you distinguished yourself in some way, such as through exceptional beauty or mastery of a craft. Of course, gaining the attention of a noble house was also a quick way to find yourself dead.

Limitation: Udadrow upbringing only

Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Survival

Tool Proficiency: Artisan’s Tools or Thieves’ Tools

Bonus Language: Goblin or Orcish

Feat: Poisoner, Tavern Brawler, or Vigilant


  • Artisan’s Tools or Thieves’ Tools (same as above)
  • Common Clothes
  • Dagger
  • Silk Rope
  • A gem worth 10 gp

Udadrow Noble DM

As a member of a noble house, you grew up with the knowledge that betrayal would most likely come from those closest to you, so you had to be prepared to take action before someone else made their move against you. When you were old enough to hopefully not be an embarrassment to your family, you were sent off to the academy to learn how to defend your city against the dangers of the Underdark, but of equal importance was learning how to do as you wanted without getting caught.

Limitation: Udadrow upbringing only

Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Stealth

Bonus Language: Abyssal, Goblin, or Orcish

Feat: Ambidextrous, Martial Initiate, or Poisoner


  • Fine Clothes
  • Navigator’s Tools or Poisoner’s Kit (same as above)
  • Piwafwi (a drow-made cloak of elvenkind)
  • 2-3 gems worth a total of 25 gp

Urban Bounty Hunter SC

Before you became an adventurer, your life was already full of conflict and excitement because you made a living tracking down people for pay. Unlike some people who collect bounties, though, you don’t follow quarry into or through the wilderness. You’re involved in a lucrative trade in the place where you live that routinely tests your skills and survival instincts. What’s more, you aren’t alone as a bounty hunter in the wild would be: you routinely interact with the criminal subculture, other bounty hunters, and the local authorities, maintaining contacts in each to help you succeed.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Persuasion, or Stealth

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set (one of your choice), Disguise Kit, or Thieves’ Tools

Bonus Language: One of your choice

Feat: Sentinel or Tavern Brawler


  • Common or Traveler’s Clothes
  • Gaming Set, Disguise Kit, or Thieves’ Tools (same as above)
  • Hemp Rope or Net
  • Manacles
  • 20 gp


You grew up on the streets, surrounded by similarly ill-fated castoffs, a few of them friends and a few of them rivals. You slept where you could and did odd jobs for food. At times, when the hunger became unbearable, you resorted to theft. Still, you never lost your pride and never abandoned hope. Fate is not yet finished with you.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Stealth

Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set (one of your choice) or Thieves’ Tools

Bonus Language: Common Sign Language or Thieves’ Cant

Feat: Lucky, Skilled, or Vigilant


  • Common Clothes
  • Dagger (2)
  • Gaming Set or Thieves’ Tools
  • Pouch
  • 20 gp